Descent Raid
Updated date : 2025-02-10 17:17(UTC +9)
What are Descent Raids?
✔ Descent Raid
- Descent Raids are raid content that can only be played at certain times.
- Once players can enter the raid, a system message will be displayed within the game.
- Descent Raids can be
played in two difficulties.
● Normal - Requires [Lv. 60], party size of 4.
● Hard Mode -
Requires [Lv. 80], party size of 8.
- Players can challenge the boss by creating a raid or matching once the raid is available.
✔ Shadow Mirror Completion
- Collect Shadow Mirror Shards and complete the Shadow Mirror to receive rewards upon clearing the Descent Raid.
- Players can still defeat the boss without completing the Shadow Mirror, but they won’t be able to receive a Clear Reward.
* Shadow Mirror Shards can be obtained starting from Act.10 stages of [Episode 2], and can be found in Chaos Dungeons and the Constellation of Time as well.
* You cannot obtain any more Shadow Mirror Shards once the Shadow Mirror is fully completed.
* Shadow Mirror completion is shared
between Normal and Hard mode.
Descent Raid Rewards
✔ Rewards
- Defeating the
Descent Raid boss grants a [Reward].
- Rewards include
Gemstones of Courage, various items, and Elements by default, with a chance to
gain Runestones as well.
- There is a chance
to obtain a Unique Runestone in
Hard mode.
✔ Additional Rewards
- Defeating
the Descent Raid boss in Hard mode can
grant additional rewards such
as [Damage
Rewards] and [Clear
┗ DMG Reward - obtained depending on the highest Total DMG record from your encounters.
┗ Clear Reward - obtained by repeatedly defeating the Descent boss after completing the Shadow Mirror.
Additional rewards are only obtainable in Hard mode, and can be received per
[ Precautions ]
※ Descent Raid Rewards can be changed or altered at a later date.
※ Raid rewards that are not received during the Descent Raid Reward period will disappear once the allowed time is over.
What are Solo Descent Raids?
✔ Solo
Descent Raids
- Solo Descent
Raids are Descent Raids that can be completed alone. They are difficult
contents that test Rune Hunters' limits.
- This content is available from Lv. 100 and can be toggled on by pressing the 'Solo Descent Raids' button at the existing Descent Raid lobby.
※ The content can be played up to 3 times a day and the play limit is shared between characters.
※ Bosses weaken when time passes a certain point through the Nerf Timer System, and Kill and Stage Clear Rewards also decrease when the timer is activated. (This system will be applied after Mar. 28 (Thu) 2024)
Solo Descent Raids Rewards
✔ 'Rune Hunter Coins' will be given as rewards according
to the cleared Solo Descent Raid stage.
✔ When the Raid Boss is defeated completely, the 'Lv.
150 Unique Rune Stone Selection Chest' will be given as a reward.
Solo Descent Raid Honorable Statue
✔ An Honorable Statue will be added to honor the
first Rune Hunter to defeat the boss in Solo Descent Raid.
- A total of 3 Honorable Statues will
be placed in Saluto, one for each Physical/Element/Summon tag.
- Upon entering Solo Descent Raid, a Challenge UI will appear, allowing
challenges for the selected tag.
- There will be a required DMG Ratio for each tag, and the Rune Hunter must
deal damage equal to the ratio of the relevant tag.
- The Honorable Statue will be registered separately for Standard Mode and
Season Mode.
- At the statue, Rune Hunters can view the registered characters' information
based on the time (in UTC+9) they defeated the boss.
- Only one character can be registered per tag, and tags that have already been
registered by other Rune Hunters cannot be challenged.
- The registration information for Solo Descent Raid will be managed
seasonally, and the registration information related to the Honorable Statue
will be reset when the season ends.
- Regardless of the number of runs with the nerfed boss in Solo Descent Raid,
only the first Rune Hunter to defeat the boss in each tag will be registered.
- A system message will be announced server-wide when a new Rune Hunter is
registered to the Solo Descent Raid Honorable Statue, separately in Standard
Mode and Season Mode.
※ System messages
relating to the honorable statue can be toggled ON/OFF through [Settings] -
[Show] - [Honorable Statue Player Megaphone].