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Character Info

Updated date : 2025-02-18 17:06(UTC +9)

  1. Basic Infomation
  2. Stat Info
  3. Charm Info

Basic Infomation

 Check equipped items and stat info.
 Push the top left side of the screen or open the Bag to bring up your Character Info.

Show or hide the appearance of your equipped Helmet or Helmet costume. The equipped Helmet's stats will still be applied even if the appearance is hidden.
 Soul Stones can be equipped here. (Soul Stones can be obtained from the [Arena], which becomes available after completing all quests in Ghieva.)
Displays the character's Strength, Dexterity and Intelligence stat values. Push the Scroll icon to the right to view a more detailed list of your characters stats.
Press to view the info of equipped Charms and the Blessing values that are currently in effect. (Charms are unlocked upon entering Saluto after completing Act 10.)
Check Jewel Scores and the effects per score. (Jewels are unlocked upon completing NPC Parida’s Sub Quest in Act 6.)
Invest Rune Master Points obtained through Rune Master Levels. (Rune Master Levels are unlocked upon reaching Character Lv. 100, the maximum limit.)
⑦ Displays the active Holy Set Effect from equipping Holy Gear (Excluding Weapon/Off-hand). (Push to view the detailed set effect.)

Stat Info

 Press the Scroll button from Character Info to view the overall stats from Gear, Zodiac and Skill effects.
Stats are categorized into Attack, Defense, Others, Status Effects, and Orb Status. Press each category to view detailed information.
 You can switch between Show Maximum/Show Current.
 For Skills, DPS Info or Buff Effects are displayed for equipped Skill Runes. Information regarding summons are also displayed if related Skill Runes are equipped.
 Certain stats have both fixed values and % values. In such cases, the related % stat from Gear, Zodiac and Skills does not increase the actual chance. 
The effect only increases the fixed value by the percentage.

Base Stats
- HP: Decreases when receiving attacks from enemies. The character 
dies if this stat value reaches 0.
- Barrier: This stat decreases prior to HP when receiving attacks from enemies. When Barrier decreases, it only regenerates after not receiving damage for a certain period of time.
- Mana: This stat is required to use various skill. There is a set Mana Cost for each skill. If you don
t have enough Mana, the skill cannot be used.
- Strength: Increases HP and Armor.
- Dexterity: Increases Hit Rate and Dodge Rate.
- Intelligence: Increases Mana and Barrier.

- DPS Info : Displays the 
Actual DPS that was measured in the Training Arena. Includes the level and the number of scarecrows, as well as maximum single target damage.
- Attack/Spell DMG: Base value used to calculate basic Attack and skill damage. Each skill uses either The Attack or The Spell DMG value.
- Physical/Element DMG: Added value to Attack/Spell DMG when calculating basic attack and skill damage. When
Convert to Main Element' option is being used, multiple Physical/Element DMG can be calculated together.
- Attack/Cast Speed: Determines the time it takes to start and finish an action. Actions are finished faster at higher values.
- Attack/Spell Hit Rate: Decreases the chance of missing attacks. Attacks and spells become more accurate at higher values. The hit chance when attacking a monster of same level as you is displayed as a percentage(%).
- Attack/Spell Critical Rate: Chance to deal critical damage with attacks. The fixed value Critical Rate calculated from Gear, Zodiac and Skills are displayed as a percentage(%).
- Attack/Spell Critical DMG: Determines the ratio of how much stronger critical hit damage is dealt than usual. 
Critical Hits deal 50% more damage than normal hits by default and are applied together with the displayed value. 
(For example: 63% Critical DMG -> Deals 113% more DMG than before on a critical hit)
- Armor/Element Penetration: Displays the value that ignores the enemy's Armor or Element Resist when attacking.
- Reflect DMG: The total amount of Reflect DMG that is returned to the enemy when the character receives Strike DMG.
  Reflect DMG is calculated using the main element of the DMG Taken.

③ Defense
- Armor: Armor is converted and applied as a DMG reduction rate that decreases Physical DMG Taken when receiving Physical DMG.
  The reduction rate from Armor depends on the relationship between Armor and the enemy's Physical DMG.
  The percentage(%) displayed next to Armor refers to the expected Physical DMG reduction rate from Armor against standard level enemies.
  The Physical DMG reduction rate provided by Armor has an upper limit, and can be expanded through Armor Limit +%.
- Element Resist: Element Resist is converted and applied as a DMG reduction rate that decreases Element DMG Taken when taking Element DMG.
  Element Resist provides the same DMG reduction rate at the same level, regardless of Element DMG Taken.
  The percentage(%) displayed next to Element Resist refers to the expected Element DMG reduction rate from Element Resist against standard level enemies.
  When Element Resist is converted to Element DMG Taken reduction rate, it is compared to Max Element Resist +%, and the lower value between the two is applied.
  Max Element Resist +% can be expanded through content.
- Physical/Element DMG Taken Decrease: Displays the calculated Physical/Element DMG Taken decrease that is applied to the character.
  Is applied multiplicatively with decreasing effectiveness with Physical/Element DMG reduction rate from Armor.
  Physical/Element DMG Taken decrease is limited by the maximum amount.
- Attack/Spell Dodge Rate: Displays the calculated Attack/Spell Dodge Rate that is applied to the character.
  Responds to the enemy's Attack/Spell Hit Rate when receiving DMG from Attack/Spell tag skills.
  Determines Dodge success through the enemy's Attack/Spell Hit Rate and the defender's Attack/Spell Dodge Rate when taking Strike DMG.
  The percentage(%) displayed next to Attack/Spell Dodge Rate refers to the expected Dodge Rate against standard level enemies.
- Perfect Attack/Spell Dodge: Displays the Perfect Attack/Spell Dodge Rate that is applied to the character.
  Determines Dodge success purely based on the defender's dodge rate, regardless of the enemy's attributes when taking Strike DMG from Attack/Spell tag skills.
  Perfect Dodge is determined when Dodge based on Dodge Rate fails.
- Max Attack/Spell Dodge: Displays the Maximum Attack/Spell Dodge Rate that is applied to the character.
  Is calculated as the maximum amount when calculating Dodge Rate caused by Attack/Spell Dodge Rate, and can be expanded.
- Attack/Spell Block Expertise: ​Displays the calculated Attack/Spell Block Expertise that is applied to the character.
  Determines Block success by converting Attack/Spell Block Expertise to Block Chance when taking Strike DMG from Attack/Spell tag skills.
  The percentage(%) displayed next to Attack/Spell Block Expertise refers to the expected Block Chance against standard level enemies.
  Block Chance caused by Attack/Spell Block Expertise cannot exceed Max Attack/Spell Block Chance.
- Hit Recovery Speed: Displays the calculated Hit Recovery Speed that is applied to the character.
  If the DMG when taking Strike DMG is greater than a certain ratio of the defender's HP, it is treated as a powerful hit.
  A powerful hit forces a character's hit taken motion, and can interrupt ongoing skills.
  Hit Recovery Speed can decrease the time it takes to complete the hit taken motion.
- Reflect DMG Taken Decrease: Refers to the stat that decreases Reflect DMG based on a ratio when taking Reflect DMG.
  If Reflect DMG Taken Decrease reaches 100%, the character becomes immune to Reflect DMG.

- Movement Speed: Player character moves faster at higher values.
- Regen: Determines the natural regeneration rate for HP/Mana/Barrier.
- HP/Mana/Barrier on every Attack/Spell Hit: Recovers HP, Mana, or Barrier by the displayed value when dealing DMG to enemies through Attacks(Spells).
- HP/Mana/Barrier on Kill: Recovers HP, Mana or Barrier by the displayed value upon defeating an enemy.
- HP/Mana/Barrier Absorb on Attack/Spell Hit: Recovers HP, Mana or Barrier by a portion of the DMG dealt with an Attack(Spell).
- Item Drop Chance: Adds a chance to obtain items when defeating an enemy and obtaining items.
- Item Drop Rarity: Increases the chance of finding higher rarity item drops.
- Kill EXP: Increases the amount of EXP earned upon killing an enemy.
- Limit Info: Displays thnumber of summons or seals that can be active at once.
Additionally displays the maximum amount of Earth, Fire, Cold, Lightning, and Poison Energy.

 Status Effects
- Status Effect Rate: Increases the chance of inflicting status effects on Attack(Spell) hit. Also displays the actual infliction chance percentage(%) when attacking a monster of the same level.
- Dodge Chance: Increases the chance of avoiding status effects from being inflicted when hit by attacks that inflict status effects.

 Orb Status
Displays the number of times that stats have been permanently increased through various Orb uses. Each stat can be grown up to a maximum of 100 times.

Charm Info

 Charms are gear that can only be obtained from Chaos Dungeons which grants the Blessing of the 12 Gods.
 All Charms are imbued with a Gods Blessing +n% option. Based on the name of the equipped Charm, a specific god's blessing value is applied and a Blessing Effect becomes active based on the total blessing value. You can view the current Blessings in effect from the Charm Info UI.
 Chaos Stars can be obtained through 'Charm Fusion.'