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Rune Cast

Updated date : 2024-04-19 16:54(UTC +9)

  1. Equipping and Using Runes
  2. Rune Cast Expansion

Equipping and Using Runes

Press the Skill Icon from the menu or use the hotkey "K" to open the Rune Cast.
 You can select and place the Rune you wish to equip from the list of runes on the right into the Rune Cast.

 Press a Skill Rune equipped in the Rune Cast to highlight the Link Runes that can be linked from the list of runes.
 The DPS of Skill Runes equipped in the Rune Cast are displayed while taking the Link Rune effects into account.
You cannot equip duplicate Skill Runes into the Rune Cast. You can equip duplicate Link Runes into the Rune Cast, but they cannot be registered to the same Skill Rune.

Skill Runes equipped in the Rune Cast can be registered in a skill slot to be used in combat.
Select the skill you wish to register from the list on the right, then select the skill slot you wish to register the skill to.
There are 2 sets of 5 skill slots. You can register the same skill on both sets of skill slots.
Trigger skill slots can be unlocked using currency. Only skills linked with Trigger Link Runes can be equipped in these slots.


Rune Cast Expansion

- The Rune Cast can be expanded by 7 slots to the right/left, for a total of 14 slots.
- Locked slots can be activated using [Traum's Crystal] and [Gold].

Traum’s Crystal

Traum’s Crystal can be obtained through combat and contents and can be traded through the Auction House.

[ Precaution ]
※ Please be aware that expanded slots cannot be reverted.