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Zheng He

Updated date : 2024-06-19 12:34(UTC +9)

  1. Zheng He
  2. Notable Mates

Zheng He

“The story of Zheng He, a Ming dynasty official who embarks on a long journey under the emperor’s orders”


An official of the Ming dynasty.

Zheng He is the Ming emperor’s right-hand man. To strengthen his position, the new emperor organized a fleet of envoys that will be dispatched overseas to establish friendly relationships with other nations and appointed Zheng He as its leader. However, the emperor also simultaneously tasked Zheng He with a secret mission. While carrying out the emperor’s orders to sail, Zheng He was torn over whether he should fulfill the emperor’s secret orders.

While sailing to various nations over many years, Zheng He solved a region’s problems and raised Ming’s reputation, fought a ruler who ambushed him, and also went out on a search for a legendary sacred creature.

Focus: Adventure

Job: Chief Eunuch

Specialized Expertise

- Nature: Increases the chances of finding a discovery while exploring.

Language: Chinese LV5, Mon-Khmer LV4

Starting City: East Asia / Ming / Hangzhou

Voice Actor: Kaiji Tang

Admiral’s Order

Speedy Sailing
Increase Fleet Speed by 1 knot and decrease Water and Food Consumption by 15% for 1 h.
Elegant Negotiation
Increase Price Negotiation Success Rate on Barter by 10% for 30 m.
Company Welfare
Recover Durability and Crew HP of All Allies by 20%.
Mobilize Manpower
Increase Exploration Gathering Power, Observation, and Combat Power by 7 for 10 m.


Area Ram: 
Quarreling LV 1
Damage Target and Target's Surroundings for 130% of Ram Attack, with a 25% chance to afflict Quarreling for 3 turns. (Quarreling: Damage Crew HP by 4.2% every turn - Max Damage: 20, Decrease All Additional Attack by 12.3%, All Additional Defense by 10.3%)
Wild Melee: 
Poison LV 2
Damage One's Surroundings for 127.8% of Melee Attack, with a 28.1% chance to afflict Poisoned for 3 turns. (Poisoned: Damage Crew HP by 13.5% every turn, Max Damage: 300 every turn)
Counterattack LV 2
A counterattack that never misses.


Amplify Artillery 
Attack LV 1
Increase Additional Artillery Attack by 5%.
Compliments and Encouragement LV 1
3.3% chance to prevent Frustration from occurring to the fleet.
Sail Handling LV 1
Increase Fleet Speed by 0.5%.
Ability LV 1
Decrease Trade Goods consumption by 1% when Bartering.
Pursue Fame LV 1
Increase Fame gain amount by 1% from reporting Resources.
Crafts Sales 
Surcharge LV 1
When selling Crafts, get a 1% overcharge rate.
Ignore Melee 
Damage LV 1
Negate incoming damage with 2.6% chance when hit by Melee attack.
Short Rations LV 2
Decrease daily food and water consumption by 1.2%.
Great Expedition
Natural Effect
Increase chance of injured Mates to heal naturally by 0.2%.

Chronicles Mates

Wang Jinghong
Chinese LV2
Mon-Khmer LV2
Ma Huan
Chinese LV2
Arabic LV1
Hong Bao
Chinese LV2
Mon-Ayutthaya LV1
Zhou Man
Sundries Merchant
Chinese LV2
Shock Trooper
Swahili LV1
Mei Ling
Chinese LV4
Javanese LV4

Notable Mates


Wang Jinghong

“I will do my very best to aid you, sir.”

A eunuch like Zheng He who rose to the rank of chief eunuch.


Unlike Zheng He, who hadn’t sailed before, he possesses knowledge and experience regarding sailing, which he puts to use the best he can to ensure that Zheng He’s voyage will be safe. The crew is very loyal to him because he is the most trustworthy person on the ship due to his cold but considerate personality.


Focus: Adventure


Job: Interpreter


Specialized Expertise

- Aesthetics: Increases the rewards and fame earned from reporting discoveries to collectors.


Language: Chinese LV2, Mon-Khmer LV2


Voice Actor: Armen Taylor

Ma Huan

“There is a reason why His Majesty has entrusted me with this task.”

A man from the Ming dynasty. He delivered the emperor’s secret orders to Zheng He and accompanied Zheng He on his voyage.

Some people found him suspicious from time to time, but his skills in gathering information and his achievements as a spy aided Zheng He’s voyage greatly.


His cheerful personality possesses a thorough side that is careful, observant, and always vigilant. He occasionally disagreed with Zheng He regarding their attitude towards completing the secret mission from the emperor.


Focus: Adventure


Job: Interpreter


Specialized Expertise

- Ramming: Increases Ram efficiency.


Language: Chinese LV2, Arabic LV1


Voice Actor: Todd Haberkorn

Hong Bao

“Ah, I should go wherever you go, Chief Eunuch.”


A man from the Ming dynasty.

A eunuch like Zheng He and Wang Jinghong who later rose to the rank of admiral. He started to follow and regard Zheng He as his savior after receiving help from him in the past. His capabilities match his level of confidence, to the point where even Zheng He can entrust him with a task.

He joined Zheng He’s crew voluntarily, wanting to aid his savior, and played an active role in helping Zheng He complete his long voyage safely.

Focus: Adventure

Job: Biologist

Specialized Expertise

- Nature: Increases the chances of finding a discovery while exploring.

Language: Chinese LV2, Mon-Ayutthaya LV1

Voice Actor: Mark Whitten

Zhou Man

“Enemies spotted ahead! They’re flying a pirate flag!”


A person from the Ming dynasty who took part in Zheng He’s Grand Expedition as his aide.

He is from an affluent family and made a name for himself by becoming an official at the age of 22 and an admiral who led a national fleet at the age of 32.

He played an active role in Zheng He’s fleet with his bright nature, diligence, excellent eyesight, and archery skills.

He provides considerable support when trading trade goods, using his social skills that enable him to befriend everybody without getting on their bad sides.

Focus: Trade

Job: Sundries Merchant

Specialized Expertise

- Purchasing: Enables purchasing trade goods at a lower price, and increases the discount rate when negotiations are successful.

Language: Chinese LV2

Voice Actor: Chris Hackney


“Do not fear death! It is always with us! Fear me instead!”


A woman who was raised in the wild among qilins. Every day, she fights people who hunt qilins.

She met Zheng He while taking cover from qilin poachers, and warmed up to Zheng He’s party little by little as she helped a qilin with Zheng He’s assistance.

Due to being raised in the rough and harsh wild, the way she thinks and speaks is extremely different from others, but inside, she has a pure heart and helped Zheng He’s party out using her excellent physical capabilities.

Focus: Combat

Job: Shock Trooper

Specialized Expertise

- Melee: Increases Melee efficiency.

Language: Swahili LV1

Voice Actor: Erica Mendez