Updated date : 2024-01-09 11:36(UTC +9)
About Buildings
Each City has a wide range of Buildings/Facilities depending on its size.
You can find the types and locations of Facilities by opening the Map in a City, and selecting any of the facilities will make your character travel there automatically.
Some Facilities such as Inns, Markets, and Shipyards are in every City, while others such as Item Shops and Religious Facilities are only present in certain cities. Most notably, Palaces only exist in the Capitals of each Nation, and Collector’s Estates where players can enter into sponsorship agreements are hard to find as well.
You will have to repeatedly visit certain Facilities, such as Unions (for Requests) and Item Shops (for necessary items). You can sail efficiently and without backtracking if you familiarize yourself with the purpose and location of such useful buildings along your regular routes.
You can see the Facilities in each City on the World Map before visiting. So, if you are looking for a specific Facility during a voyage, use the World Map's Search Feature to set your course.
Building Features
■ Characteristics of City Facilities