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Updated date : 2024-01-09 11:36(UTC +9)

  1. About Buildings
  2. Building Features

About Buildings

Each City has a wide range of Buildings/Facilities depending on its size.

You can find the types and locations of Facilities by opening the Map in a City, and selecting any of the facilities will make your character travel there automatically.


Some Facilities such as Inns, Markets, and Shipyards are in every City, while others such as Item Shops and Religious Facilities are only present in certain cities. Most notably, Palaces only exist in the Capitals of each Nation, and Collector’s Estates where players can enter into sponsorship agreements are hard to find as well.

You will have to repeatedly visit certain Facilities, such as Unions (for Requests) and Item Shops (for necessary items). You can sail efficiently and without backtracking if you familiarize yourself with the purpose and location of such useful buildings along your regular routes.

You can see the Facilities in each City on the World Map before visiting. So, if you are looking for a specific Facility during a voyage, use the World Map's Search Feature to set your course.

Building Features

■ Characteristics of City Facilities

HarborSupply your Fleet and set sail.
Repair your Ship and recruit Crews before departure.
MarketA Facility where you can buy or sell Trade Goods.
You can see the prices of Trade Goods here.
ShipyardA Facility where you can build a Ship using a Blueprint, and repair or dismantle a Ship.
You can also upgrade a Ship or a Cabin to improve the Ship’s stats.
BankKeep your riches safe, sign up for a Savings Account to earn interest, or purchase an insurance plan.
TavernRecruit Crew and hire new Mates.
Manage your Mates’ Loyalty and injuries and earn Promotion Contracts through Parties.
Talking to Employees increases Friendship with them.
Religious FacilitiesReligious buildings such as Cathedrals.
Participate in religious activities such as Praying and Donations to gain beneficial effects.
EstateSign a contract with a Collector in each area to report various Discoveries.
You receive Adventure Fame, Reward, and Contribution based on your Discovery Score.
HeadquartersA Facility you can visit during special Missions.
AssociationA Facility you can visit during special Missions.
Empty HouseA Facility you can visit during special Missions.
Item ShopBuy or sell Gear for Mates and various Tools required for sailing.
Visiting an Item Shop late at night will grant you access to the Black Market. You can find more valuable items at Black Markets.
UnionYou can take on Adventure, Trading, or Combat Requests.
BureauInvest in the city, or check the Investment Rank and Tax.
Fortune TellerA Fortune Teller can read your Life Fortune, Business Fortune, Love Fortune, and Relationship Fortune.
You can also check your Mates’ stats and how much Fame you still need to reach the next Title.
If you have any Mate Contracts, you can exchange them for Common Contracts or Superior Contracts at a certain rate.
Immigration Office

You can move to a connected city quickly using the canal.
Additional fees are charged for shipping Trade Goods.

※ The related cities must be found to use the canal.