Grade | Name | Specialization | Description |
1 | Tallette | Trade | A small trading vessel. A single-mast ship often found around Italy. |
1 | Barque | Adventure | A small exploration vessel. A ship with a simple structure suited for coastal navigation. |
1 | Hansa Cog | Combat | A small combat vessel. Named after the Hanseatic League, it is commonly found in the North Sea. |
2 | Brigantine | Combat | A small combat vessel. A two-mast ship suited for coastal navigation. |
2 | Cog Redonda | Trade | A vessel commonly seen near England that uses two square-rigged masts. |
2 | Cog Latina | Trade | A vessel commonly seen near England that uses two masts with fore-and-aft rigs. |
3 | Caravel Latina | Trade | A small trading ship with a fore-and-aft rig. The sailing ship that marked the beginning of the Age of Discovery. |
3 | Caravel Redonda | Trade | A small trading ship with a square rig. The sailing ship that marked the beginning of the Age of Discovery. |
3 | Light Galley | Combat | A small combat vessel. Powered by manual rowing. |
4 | Sloop | Trade | A small exploration vessel. A high-performance ship with a sail near the bow. |
4 | Felucca | Combat | A small trading vessel. Used for trading and warfare along the Mediterranean coastline and rivers. |
4 | La Pinta | Combat | A caravel-type vessel used by Columbus in his expedition across the Atlantic. |
5 | Cutter | Combat | A small combat vessel. Appropriate for ocean sailing thanks to its speed-oriented design. |
5 | Pinnace | Combat | A medium combat vessel. A ship from the North Sea that features a linear hull. |
5 | Fluyt | Combat | A Dutch sailing ship designed for trading. Similar to early versions of the galleon. |
6 | Nao | Trade | A medium trading ship. A carrack designed in the Iberian style. |
6 | Galley | Combat | A medium combat vessel. A highly mobile military vessel that mainly relies on its oars for power. |
6 | Sambuk | Adventure | A medium-sized exploration vessel. Mainly used in the Red Sea. |
7 | Schooner | Adventure | A high-speed vessel for long-distance sailing known for its fore-and-aft rigging. |
7 | Heavy Galley | Combat | A heavy galley designed for naval warfare. |
7 | Heavy Caravel | Trade | A large caravel designed for versatility. |
8 | Carrack | Trade | A medium trading ship. Combines the advantages of northern cogs and southern caravels. |
8 | Xebec | Adventure | A medium-large trading vessel. A high-performing sailing ship with Middle Eastern origins. |
8 | Frigate | Combat | A medium combat vessel. Mainly used as a military vessel to support high-end warships. |
9 | Buss | Trade | A medium trading ship. Widely used for deep-sea fishing. |
9 | Galleon | Combat | A medium combat vessel. A military ship that leverages all the strengths of the carrack. |
9 | Victoria | Adventure | The carrack-type vessel used by Magallanes to circumnavigate the world. |
10 | Ottoman Galley | Combat | An Ottoman galley primarily used for naval assaults. |
10 | De Sperwer | Trade | A Dutch trading ship. Hendrick Hamel of the Dutch East India Company was on this ship until he was shipwrecked on Jeju Island. |
10 | Mayflower | Trade | The ship that carried the Puritan settlers to America. |
11 | Corvette | Combat | A medium combat vessel. Also referred to as the Large Sloop due to its size and performance. |
11 | Esmeralda | Adventure | A carrack-type vessel that Vasco da Gama used when he discovered a new route to India. |
11 | Roman Galley | Combat | A replica of an ancient Roman trireme. |
12 | Flanders Galley | Combat | A medium combat vessel. A military galley often found in the Flemish region. |
12 | Santa Maria | Adventure | A carrack-type vessel. Served as the flagship when Colón crossed the Atlantic. |
12 | Saint Gabriel | Adventure | The flagship that Vasco da Gama used when he discovered a new route to India. |
13 | La Reale | Combat | A large combat vessel. A heavy-artillery military galley used by the French Navy. |
13 | Heavy Carrack | Trade | A large exploration vessel. Serves as the flagship for long-range expeditionary convoys. |
13 | Large Schooner | Adventure | A large adventure vessel. A high-speed sailing ship equipped with only vertical sails that is built for traveling long distances. |
14 | Large Galleon | Combat | A large vessel dubbed as the successor to the carrack, with excellent combat and navigation capabilities. |
14 | Santa Catarina | Trade | A Portuguese heavy carrack with a tall superstructure. |
14 | Prins Willem | Combat | An armed merchant ship built for the Dutch East India Company. |
15 | Galleass | Combat | A large combat vessel. A large, heavy-artillery version of the Galley. |
15 | Quebec | Adventure | A medium-large exploration vessel. A high-speed ship of French design based on the Xebec. |
15 | Razee Frigate | Combat | A large frigate with its top deck removed. |
16 | Large Frigate | Combat | A large combat vessel. A large, heavy-artillery version of the Frigate. |
16 | Golden Hind | Combat | A galleon capable enough to circumnavigate the globe. Used by Francis Drake. |
16 | Bermuda Sloop | Adventure | A large sloop designed to overcome the rough waves of the Bermuda Archipelago. |
17 | Long Schooner | Adventure | A super fast schooner with six fore-and-aft rigged masts. |
17 | Neapolitan Galleass | Combat | A Galleass made for open sea combat. |
17 | Nordic Galleon | Combat | A North European galleon with armaments rivaling those of a ship-of-the-line. |
18 | Flemish Galleon | Combat | A Dutch galleon featuring a low hull covered with decorations. |
18 | Halve Maen | Trade | A large carrack built in the Netherlands to reach the New World. |
18 | Beagle | Combat | A vessel of the English Navy used for various studies and research.
19 | Norske Løve | Combat | A North European vessel with a name that means ‘Norwegian Lion’. |
19 | Adventure Galley | Combat | The ship used by the pirate William Kidd in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean. |
19 | Bounty | Combat | An English transport vessel that was sunk due to a mutiny. |
20 | La Royale | Combat | Powerful Galleass type Ship made for next generation of La Reale. |
20 | Vaisseau | Combat | A massive combat vessel. Boasts extreme lethality thanks to its design tailored for warfare. |
20 | Clipper | Combat | A ship built with the latest technology for speed and blue-water navigation. |
21 | Neptuno | Combat | An Español ship-of-the-line with powerful bombardment capabilities. It is one of the most important warships which symbolizes España's naval power. |
21 | Surprise | Combat | A corvette built in France that was later used like a frigate in England. |
21 | Ottoman Galleon | Combat | A galleass upgraded from a galleon in Ottoman style. |
22 | Temeraire | Combat | A large combat vessel. Third-rate ship-of-the-line designed for military use. |
22 | Flying Cloud | Adventure | A swift ship with an assist sail to use the wind properly. |
22 | Endeavour | Trade | A long-range trading vessel modified into an exploration ship for better navigation and sturdiness. |